Friday, May 25, 2012

Apostolic Message

The whole complex was abuzz with members and visitors excitedly waiting for Elder Russel M. Nelson. The Temple schedule of sessions was slightly change to timed in for the visit. Patrons checked in at the Housing were excited and felt blessed for the chance of having to attend to the devotional and hear the Apostle. To them, their trip to perform ordinances in the temple is already a wonderful experience and to listen to an Apostle was overwhelming. It did not take an hour to fill all the seats as soon the doors were opened early on. Classrooms were set up for a closed circuit TV viewing to accommodate the already jampacked audience at the Stake Center sacrament/cultural hall. 
Primary children took the spotlight as they were asked by Elder Nelson to stand and sing for him the 1st stanza of  "I Am a Child of God".
He described how the callings of Authorities  and their being "taken" away from their employment to serve in Church callings, sharing his with fondness as when he was being called in the Quorum and get reminded of what he will just miss from his employment.
Members are exhorted to "make the most of the Temple". He shared of his feeling on the day he knew that Ghana Temple was announced. Previous to that he was present with then President Howard W. Hunter ,who asked the priesthood holders to have the Temple as a symbol of their faith and to obtained a recommend.

Members unable to get seats inside
He spoke of the near death incident when the small plane he took spiralled down to earth when the engine caught fire. The experience drove well  the point of being prepared, even doing the necessary ordinances in the Temple.
He counseled on teaching the children the gospel, to love Heavenly Father,of Christ sacrifice and of how Heavenly Father teach His children through ancient and present prophets. 
Audience coming out after the devotional
He reminded of the blessing of the priesthood, when it is wanted and needed every one in the room is entitled to it. He called for more worthy full time missionaries to fill in  applications , emphasizing on the quality. To break the vicious cycle of poverty he challenged to teach tithing to the poor , to get education and  part of solution rather than part of the problem. He counseled all to be good citizen in this great country.

Elder Nelson concluded his pronouncements with Apostolic blessings of health and wisdom and blessings in keeping away from the evils of pornography. 

Elder Michael Teh , the Area President and wife accompanied him during the visit.

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